Mind the Detail

Vital Health News

The Dark Side of Tylenol: What You Don’t Know About America’s Go-To Pill

Tylenol, the brand name for acetaminophen, is one of the most popular over-the-counter pain medications in the world. Millions of people take it regularly for headaches, menstrual cramps, fever, and other minor aches and pains. Touted as a safe pain reliever, it’s one of the only over-the-counter medications recommended for babies over the age of 6 months. 

But there’s a dark side to this seemingly safe pain reliever. Here are the devilish details everyone who takes acetaminophen needs to know… 

Unlike many other medications, acetaminophen has a narrow safety window between the recommended dose and a potentially toxic overdose amount. Taking just slightly more than directed over just a few days is enough to cause harm in some cases. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are around 450 acetaminophen-related deaths per year in the U.S.

And a study from the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that approximately 78,000 ER Visits occurred annually for overdoses of acetaminophen-containing products. 

In fact, acetaminophen is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the U.S. 

Even at recommended doses, research has linked long-term use to increased liver enzyme levels and liver damage over time. 

In addition to liver damage, studies have also shown that acetaminophen can have negative impacts on the kidneys, cause birth defects, and deplete the body of glutathione which is responsible for neutralizing toxins and free radicals. 

The good news is, there are safer alternatives for pain management, such as: 

  • Anti-inflammatory diet avoiding processed foods
  • Exercise and stretching for muscle aches
  • Hot/cold therapy 
  • Yoga 
  • Turmeric 
  • CBD Oil